Saturday, September 13, 2008

Immediate Promotion

I work at a club where it's tough for a girl to get ahead. It's a real "good old boys" club, so you can imagine my surprise when a situation came up last week and my boss responded the way he did.

So, here's the sitch... our club has very specific rules on serving shots. If it comes straight out of the bottle you serve it in our 1 1/2 oz. shot glass. Doesn't matter if it has a salted or sugared rim or if you put a dash of anything in it. It's served in the shot glass. That's the deal. If it's a mixed shot you make it a bit bigger and serve it in a rocks glass. Pretty simple, right??? Well, I guess the new guy (Let's call him Back Up because he's my back up bartender) decided he would do whatever he wanted to. Not so much, boy. This is my world and you're just a visitor.

Earlier in the evening, I poured a customer a shot of Tuaca with a sugared rim, a dash of grenadine (his idea) and a lemon. Of course this was served in a shot glass like I'm supposed to. Later in the evening the same guy went down to Back Up and ordered the same drink. Back Up served in in a rocks glass. It was HUGE. Now, Tuaca is one of our more expensive shots so I was thinking "oh, he must've ordered a double." Not so. I pointed this out to our boss and he said "it's your bar. You deal with it." and deal with it I did.

I put a shot glass on the bar top beside his incorrectly made Tuaca shot and proceeded to tell him how things worked. He stuttered, stammered and got a little pissy but I made my point. Gotta teach these young bucks that this girl isn't a push over!!

The rest of the night he toed the line and all was well... until our featured entertainment ended. It was close to closing time and I guess Back Up was feeling a little restless... maybe in need of a little attention because next thing I know he's dancing on top of the bar. Now, I really don't care. As long as his silly self is up there dancing around he's not ringing drinks and making money. That's his deal. I'm going to focus on the job and making the $$.

It was all good until he pulled a friend of his up on the bar with him. We are cool with employees having a little fun on the bar top occasionally but liability keeps the customers feet on the ground. Obviously, Back Up didn't get that memo. I see what's up and go down to get them off the bar. I'm almost there when they start falling off!! Luckily, I was there because I caught his friend. SERIOUSLY!?!? Are you kidding me?

UGH, maybe it's time to have a little heart-to-heart with Back Up. Maybe let him know the number 1 priority in bartending... serving drinks! What do you think?

I guess occasionally it's alright when your co-workers act a fool... you get a promotion!

With a twist,


1 comment:

Cielo Gold said...

I love your blog so far. Keep osting!!! :)