Sunday, December 28, 2008

Do I look like a lush to you?

Okay, so don't really answer that. I have a question for you. Why is it that if a bartender or bar manager wants to buy me a shot or cocktail it is the most girlie concoction known to man? I'm not really complaining, just curious. Do I appear to be so sweet that this would appeal to me (the dry champagne or gin & tonic girl)? I guess I do because the last shot that was served to me "on the house" tasted just like vanilla ice cream with a kick. It was quite delicious but I wonder why I get the girlie drinks that are named something obscene/perverted/dirty. (This was an Italian Orgasm.)

Also, why is this cocktail poured from the shaker into the shot glass and, when there is extra left in the shaker (and there is always extra left) they then decide that I need not only the shot but the rest of the drink??? My shot ends up being at least twice the size of my fellow shot taker and I end up being a bit more giggly than normal much quicker than usual.

Maybe they have an ulterior motive? I'm good with it, though. I didn't pay for the giant double shot and got an extra boost of mojo from the freebie. (Yes, I did tip them. No, I didn't shout to the crowd "giant double shot for me on the house, bitches!")

Feeling like curiosity killed the kitty,


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