Sunday, February 8, 2009

Comp'd Tabs

Hello! It's been a while but I've been steaming on this topic. There are people who frequent the establishment I work at often. They get special treatment for being good customers. Occasionally, they get amazing treatment... case in point was last Wednesday...

This couple comes in all the time. They are fabulous customers. They drink good cocktails. They are not high maintenance. They understand when the bar is busy and are patient.

Then they received a comp'd tab. Free cocktails for an entire evening! Oh, yes!! They were very happy about this! So, they drank it up and had a fabulous time. Then at the end of the night they gave me a wave and headed out the door... without a SINGLE TIP!!!

They drank all night for absolutely NOTHING (not expecting to drink free all night) and they tipped me not a single penny. ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?

Okay, so this is BAD BAR BEHAVIOUR! Take notes, boys and girls. This is wrong. I worked very hard all night serving them their drinks and shots and making sure they had a good time. Shouldn't I have been given a little something for my efforts? I think so!

Working hard for my money,


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not for Sale

My clothes. I sell cocktails not clothing. I picked out my clothes because I liked them not so you could purchase them off my body. Again, I sell cocktails not clothing.

So, if you're curious here's the deal... customers came out to the club last night and liked the way my shirt looked on me. Maybe they liked the thought of what I would look like out of it. Well, they offered me $20 to buy it. I denied it. I liked the shirt I was wearing last night. ;)

Wearing it well,


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Do I look like a lush to you?

Okay, so don't really answer that. I have a question for you. Why is it that if a bartender or bar manager wants to buy me a shot or cocktail it is the most girlie concoction known to man? I'm not really complaining, just curious. Do I appear to be so sweet that this would appeal to me (the dry champagne or gin & tonic girl)? I guess I do because the last shot that was served to me "on the house" tasted just like vanilla ice cream with a kick. It was quite delicious but I wonder why I get the girlie drinks that are named something obscene/perverted/dirty. (This was an Italian Orgasm.)

Also, why is this cocktail poured from the shaker into the shot glass and, when there is extra left in the shaker (and there is always extra left) they then decide that I need not only the shot but the rest of the drink??? My shot ends up being at least twice the size of my fellow shot taker and I end up being a bit more giggly than normal much quicker than usual.

Maybe they have an ulterior motive? I'm good with it, though. I didn't pay for the giant double shot and got an extra boost of mojo from the freebie. (Yes, I did tip them. No, I didn't shout to the crowd "giant double shot for me on the house, bitches!")

Feeling like curiosity killed the kitty,


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Get them one on me"

an interesting little phrase that caused an uproar last night. I had a female customer come in and buy a domestic beer. She sat down beside a mess of a male customer, noticed his almost empty drink and said "get him one on me." I poured his double vodka on the rocks, got her beer and told her the total. She looked at me like I was from Mars.

Now, a logical person would've asked what the other person was drinking if they were on some kind of budget. Obviously, she was trying to show off that she could purchase a man a cocktail. She had no clue that his cocktail was close to $10 and hers was only $2.75. She just kept repeating the total over and over. She looked at him like "what are you drinking?" and kept shooting daggers at me.

Finally, I got sick of it and told her he ordered a double. He ended up putting money up and I gave her the difference. She made such a point to get my name I know my boss will be calling me today. I'm ready, too, because my co-workers were cracking up about it last night. It's just ridiculous. I'm a great bartender and I did exactly what she asked me to do. How exactly am I wrong in this??? That's right. I'm not!

Proving to the world that society isn't completely stupid,


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Girls at the bar

Why can't people come to a bar and act right? There is a little bit of etiquette when going to a club or bar and I think it's time people knew a few things they should do... tipping is #1 on the list. Let me give you a taste of bad customer behaviour and the way a bartender can make your night less than festive. Enjoy!

Last night I'm serving up fabulous cocktails and a group of girls comes in. Nothing terribly unusual, of course. Well, the ringleader comes up to the bar and orders a round of drinks for them. I make the four Long Islands, one margarita ("no salt, light ice, no lime") and a cherry vodka sour. She hands me a credit card. I asked her if she wanted to open a tab. She says she wants to close it. Alright, I'm good with that. I run the card, it goes through and all is well... until I get the signed slip back. ZERO tip. Nice, right?

This goes on for another round of drinks. I make them all the way they are supposed to be made and still... no tip. It would be fine if this was a tab for $5.00 or something but it's over $25.00! I'm beyond frustrated. So, next round I decide that they should've behaved a bit more.

Unfortunately for them, their next round consisted of a lot of sweet & sour and lots of extra salt. OOPS! Bad bartender!! I also let my entertainers know that they weren't tipping for their cocktails and they made things fabulous for me!!! They really let into these girls. I mean, completely embarrassing them. I hope they don't come back. I don't need customers like that.

It's not like I'm asking for someone's mortgage payment or anything! I'm just asking for a simple dollar or two! I mean, seriously!!! Am I wrong???

Setting things straight,


Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Princess & The Court Jester

As you all know I went to Vegas a few weeks ago. I took one shift off from the club (although I took off the busiest shift they have). I didn't miss tons of work. I didn't make them think I was going to miss tons of work.

So, you can imagine my surprise when my boss called me on Tuesday (the day before my major shift) to ask how Vegas is going. I let him know that I was back and had been for a couple of days. He told me that my fill in (and his back up) led him to believe I was going to be gone another week. INTERESTING... very interesting.

The first thing that comes to my mind is "He's gunning for my shift." My second thought is "WRONG!! This is my planet, boy! You're just visiting." Well, my boss said he was really shocked that I would take off more than one shift because I never take off. I told him that wouldn't happen and he laughed.

The bonus for me is that now little Mr. Busy is on his last legs at the club. He's been doing lots and lots of things that annoy me, my barback, my boss, the performers and just about everyone who isn't trying to get into his pants. VICTORY IS MINE!

Don't mess with the Princess in the land of Queens.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Vegas Story

I spent this past weekend really enjoying myself in Vegas for my birthday. I love Vegas. I really love the MGM Grand. I know, it's a little "old school" but that's my style, really...

Obviously, this is another tale from the customer side of the bar. I wasn't in Vegas to work, boys and girls. So, I was at my favorite restaurant eating a delicious dinner in the bar when I man sat beside me. He was dressed really casually. Too casual for this eating establishment but it's Vegas so I guess that's okay. Well, I was being chatted up by the bartenders and having a great time when this freak starts making "mmm" noises. He isn't eating either! Every time the bartenders walk away he starts mumbling at me and making really screwed up noises at me. At one point (and I'm NOT kidding) he actually started tweaking his own nipples!!! I was beyond uncomfortable!

Finally, I looked straight at him and said "You don't know me. Leave me the f*&@ alone or I'll make you regret it." Now, I'm not normally this agressive but he was just perverse!! Once he left the bartenders apologized (and bought my dessert and some champagne for me). All I could think of was the fact that in my bar this would never happen. If I saw someone being this horrid to a woman I would bounce them on their insane ass! It was a really difficult experience and could've soured me from going to my favorite place. It didn't because this establishment has amazing food, great staff, delicious cocktails and an atmosphere that I love.

I guess it just goes to show you that not everyone takes "customer service" to the next level. I would never want one of my customers to feel the way I felt. Take a lesson from a Lady, boys, watch out for your girls!

Never messing about,